Sunday, June 9, 2013

I got the #arduino project to work, but I don't understand why

First, I modified the displayLed() routine to take an argument and modified all of the code to call it that way. But, that didn't work. So, I modified the the interrupt handler to to set a flag that it occurred, and modified the main loop to blink the "caught" LED. This worked, but I don't know why. Is it because interrupt handlers can't call a routine from the main code? This doesn't make sense to me since the, now functioning, version calls other functions. Do I need to declare the displayLed() function differently? Maybe someone can leave a comment or tweet a reason. Here's the code:

int dataPin = 10;        //Define which pins will be used for the Shift Register control
int latchPin = 9;
int clockPin = 8;

long i = 1;
int pauseTime = 100;      // byte #2 value
bool left = true;
bool buttonPushed=false;
volatile int state=LOW;
unsigned long time;
unsigned long lasttime;
void setup()
    pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT);       //Configure each IO Pin
    pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT);
void loop()
    for(int loopVar=0;loopVar<10;loopVar++){

  if (left ){
    i = i << 1;
    i = i >> 1;
  if (i == 32768 || i == 1){
    left = !left;
  if (pauseTime <= 0){
    pauseTime = 100;
void pushit(){
  if (time-lasttime>50){
    lasttime = time;
    pauseTime = pauseTime - 2;
void displayLed(unsigned long iVal){
  digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW);            //Pull latch LOW to start sending data
  if (iVal > 255){
  digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH);           //Pull latch HIGH to stop sending data

My next challenge is the LCD panel. I looked up code samples on the Arduino web site shows a different version of the LCD. Mine has a 14 pine header mounted on the bottom and a red wire soldered to the bottom. No idea what this is for.

I guess I have to do some tinkering.


  1. HEy, regarding the LCD being 14 pins, most have 16, since 2 extra are used for backlight powering.

    Good luck.

    1. I was thinking that, maybe, the red wire was for the backlight. There is also four connections on the side that I have no idea what they are. Was going to try to connect the red wire to 5 volts and see what happens. Thanks for taking the time to read/comment.
