I ripped apart my last build. I'm assuming that the HC595 from that build is fried, so I set that aside. Another bread board board arrived so now I have the real-estate to make my builds a little prettier. A string of Christmas LEDs gave their lives to the project so that I can use 8 LEDs. I know what you're thinking 8? You couldn't even get 4 working. Well, the build for 8 isn't really much different than the build for 4. So, I went for it.
I know that the last code I uploaded to the arduino was the binary counter. In fact, the last version that I uploaded was the counter going from 1 through 255. I, bravely, plugged my Arduino into a power supply and grinned wildly as the LEDs began to count.
Now, do I add another shift register or two, and another 8, 16, 32 LEDs? The way I have the board laid out, I can fit 32 LEDs total. Why not?
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