Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Kids Take Their Turn

Tonight was the kids turn to build their own circuit from scratch, then write their own sketch from scratch.

We started out with a review. I even made an Impres presentation (that's the Open Office version of Power Point.) We reviewed the basic symbols in a schematic that we would use in today's project. Next, we went over the LED, it's properties, and how to determine the anode (+) and cathode (-) side. And, finally, we reviewed the code they would need for the project. This included integer variables, the setup() and loop() functions, analogWrite, pinMode, and a very long discussion about for loops and nested for loops. This eventually, somehow, got into a long discussion about bits and bytes. Now they know how to count in binary. lol!

Next, the kids built their circuit, taking turns installing and wiring 3 LEDs on the mini breadboard and connecting them to the Arduino. They connected the anodes to pins 1, 3, and 5 and the cathodes to pins 2, 4, and 6.

Finally, they wrote the code. The 7 year old wrote the initial comments and the setup() function and the 11 year old wrote the loop(). Debugging was a hoot. They quickly found out that this is case sensitive since it didn't even like the "VOID" before the setup() function.

Their assignment was to turn on and turn off all 3 LEDs in any manor they chose.

They decided to light LED3, pause 1 second, light LED2, pause 1 second, light LED3, and pause 1 second. Then fade LED3 off, LED2 off, and LED1 off. I was impressed with a few things.

  1. My son (the 7 year old) really grasped the concept of variables, because when he wrote his loop in the setup, he chose to create a variable called "code" instead of "pin." This, to me, meant that he really understood that the variable was just a holding place with a name and whatever he chose to name it had no bearing on the program.
  2. My daughter chose to fade out the LEDs. This required her to create a nested loop, making this a much more complex first sketch. Good to know she wasn't afraid to put everything she learned into practice.
Here's what they came up with:

//LED1=+1   -2
//LED2=+3 -4
//LED3=+5  -6

void setup(){
  for(int code=1;code<7;code++){

void loop(){
  for(int led =5;led>=1;led=led-2){
  for(int led =5;led>=1;led=led-2){
    for(int code=255;code>=0;code--){

Tomorrow, we start experimenting with the servo.

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